University of Wisconsin – Madison
- CS577 Introduction to Algorithms: Spring 2021 (On-campus and EPIC), Spring 2020 (EPIC)
- CS368 C++ for Java Programmers: Spring 2020
- CS200 Programming I: Fall 2020, Fall 2019, 2018 - 2019, 2017 - 2018
Mount Allison University (Winter 2017)
- Intro to Systems Programming (COMP 2931)
- Software Design (COMP 4721)
Université Pierre et Marie Currie - Paris 6 (2014 - 2015)
- Bases de données et sites WEB (LI345 - L3 [TD/TME]):
- Modélisation et résolution de problèmes (LI353 - L3 [TD/TME]):
- Programmation des architectures clients-serveur (LI355 - L3 [TD/TME]):
- Eléments de programmation 1 (1I001 - L1 [TD/TME]):
Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (2011 - 2014)
2013 - 2014
- Bases de Données (BD6 - L3 [TD/TP]): Third year database course using PostgreSQL.
- Programmation réseaux (PR6 - L3 [TP]): Third year network programming course, using Java and C.
- Projet informatique (PI3 - L2 [cours/TD]): Second year programming project course, using Java.
- Introduction à l'informatique (IF1 - L1 [cours/TD]): First year programming course using Java.
2012 - 2013
- Bases de Données (BD6 - L3 [TD/TP]): Third year database course using PostgreSQL.
- Langage C et outils de développement (LC4 - L2 [TP]): Second year C programming course.
- Éléments d'algorithmique (EA4 - L2 [TD]): Second year introductory algorithms course.
2011 - 2012
- Bases de Données (BD6 - L3 [TD/TP]): Third year database course using PostgreSQL.
- Introduction à l'informatique (IF1 - L1 [TP]): First year programming course using Java.